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Bristol on Pause - Printable Version

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Bristol on Pause - Scythe13 - 14 March 2012

Hi Everyone

Just thought I'd better explain a couple of things.

Firstly, it's been great meeting everyone. At the next meet for everyone in Bristol it'll be best we do another social, because that will allow everyone to meet at the same time.

Secondly, as we all know, there is a fair bit of media interest in prepping as a whole. Along with that, we've had direct interest on this forum. So, for the sake of OPSEC, I'm placing the next Bristol Meet on hold. At least until the media attention cools down.

I'll be available most days if anyone wants to meet up. But as for a large group meeting, I think it's best that we wait until after the media attention dies down. During the mean time, I'll be designing an events program that people can do, as well as check out things like regular country walks/edible food walks, etc.

If anyone needs me for anything, please message me and I'll see what I can get sorted.

There's no I in team. But there's a U and I in survive.

Thanks to all the Bristol group in advance for being understanding.

RE: Bristol on Pause - mikebratcher69 - 15 March 2012

wow you should be one of those company pep talk people....
You know the one's that when you get a job they tell you all about what a fabulous company it is.....TongueTongue
If you have any problems talk to Scythe from Personel....

RE: Bristol on Pause - John - 5 April 2012

I am down in the South West, probably couple of hours from Bristol. Met up with SD last weekend, had a good chat and exchange.
Interested in meeting up with local people. May be just a chat to start over a pint.
Anyone just want a chat like a couple of chaps over a pint let me know.
Don't get to monitor this site much so grateful if any meets you can email me direct,at least to start.

RE: Bristol on Pause - Scythe13 - 5 April 2012

Bristol On Pause.....

Not for long.

I'll be arranging another social meet shortly. We should all enjoy the Easter, and then I'll make sure we have at least 2 meets before the Olympics start. The next meet will be a social, then after that it will be slightly more of a survival strategy thing based around possibly olympic problems that might effect us.