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Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - Printable Version

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Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - Clansmen63 - 2 April 2012

Greetings from Bonnie Scotland (The original Garden of
How refreshing it is to find a forum dedicated to the UK world of prepping and survival. I feel that I have been into ‘prepping’ all of my life. My grandfather began prepping after WWII in readiness for what he felt was inevitable and he brought his children and subsequent grandchildren up with this mind set. As a child growing up on my grandfather’s croft it was like being in a wonderful adventure learning various skills and techniques. Later serving with HM Forces I was taught a great deal more, though I still consider myself a relative beginner as there is so much to learn (always things change, new ideas, new methods etc.) I am always willing to explore new methods of prepping and it is with this in mind that I look forward to interacting within the forum.

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - mikebratcher69 - 2 April 2012

Howdoo from sunny Manchester...

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - TOF - 2 April 2012

Good evening!

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - Jodansgang - 2 April 2012

Ey up matey, greetings and welcome to you too.

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - Timelord - 3 April 2012

Welcome men of clan.

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - bigpaul - 3 April 2012

welcome, from rural Devon.

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - Prep Girl - 3 April 2012

Hello and welcome Smile

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - Kenneth Eames - 3 April 2012

Greetings Clansman63, I too live in Scotland but originally a Sasenach. I'm pleased that your on board. Are you still crofting? Kenneth Eames.

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - Barneyboy - 3 April 2012

hello from norfolkSmile

RE: Greetings from Bonnie Scotland - Clansmen63 - 3 April 2012

Thanks for the lovely welcome folks, I appreciate it Smile

@ Timelord My nickname whilst I was in the Forces was "Clansman", however it sort of changed after I was married as my mother-in-law (who is Chinese) cannot pronounce "Clansman" and so says "Clansmen", hence the nickname so now I am the 'men of clan' as you put it Wink

@ Kenneth Eames, a Sasenach that seen the
No sadly we do not have the croft any longer, however at the moment we have a small garden that we grow fruit and veg on and all being well I shall look to buying a small croft in four years time when the next lot of crofts are released for sale in the area that we want.