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Solar heating: Would this work? - Printable Version

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Solar heating: Would this work? - Prepaday - 9 September 2012

I read this and wondered if it would work? I didn't read the whole thing as I my brain stopped working....
Solar panel made from cans...

RE: Solar heating: Would this work? - Skvez - 9 September 2012

Yes it looks like it would work, on cold sunny days.
Unfortunately in the UK much of our winter is cloudy which would greatly reduce its effectiveness.

RE: Solar heating: Would this work? - Skean Dhude - 9 September 2012

Every little bit helps.

RE: Solar heating: Would this work? - Hrusai - 10 September 2012

yes it would work. just not very efficiently, black absorbs light and doesnt reflect it, and absorbed light turns into heat, personally i'd get a bunch of lenses and fit them to focus on a single copper pipe, which would heat water very efficiently, could use it to turn turbines or to simply have hot water, nice n easy, and a good use for all the speccy kids you hated at school who are now dead cause they arent preppers xD

RE: Solar heating: Would this work? - Bucket - 10 September 2012

Built one a couple of years ago, but instead of cans used an old metal radiator.

On a sunny day, pointed directly at the sun all day, had enough hot water to wash and brush up after work.

Most days though it was lukewarm water out.