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Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - ObongoPox - 18 November 2012

Some of you will already know of me from my,perhaps,slightly premature thread:UK Sheeple Cull.Would have sounded better other way round,but still.Not much to say about me except very jumpy about Israel-Iran as I think this is pretty much gonna be equivalent to lots and lots and lots of 9/11s.Lots and lots and lots....

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - NorthernRaider - 18 November 2012

Naaaa it will petre out as it always does, they have been killing each other since Jesus was a kid, they will continue to do so for ever, both sides are equally as bad as each other, neither have just claim for their causes and both think their version of god is right.

The only true thing they have in common is they are a threat to civilised countries.
EG note how if a Muslim extremist travels abroad, sets a bomb and kills lots of its enemies its called terrorism, but when Israel does exactly the same thing it gets called Self Defence.

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - TheFalcon - 18 November 2012

who knows what will happen but i belive that 9/11 was a inside job

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - ObongoPox - 18 November 2012

Hope you're right NR,hope you're right....A nuclear-armed Iran(and Israel's efforts to stop that happening)are still pretty unprecedented,though.Before you mention Israel's previous tactical strikes on Iraq/Syria,I just think the stakes are a lot higher this time.Hoping you're right,though.... be slightly sad not to see a thinning of the UK sheeple flock though.

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - Mandlaka - 19 November 2012

Those two countries are as aggressive as each other and I wish neither were nuclear capable.
I think they have the capacity between them to take us all into a truly devastating war that will end up drawing in all their allies. Imagine Russia, China coming to help Iran and possibly inviting the DPRK along because the US and UK are on the opposing side.
I certainly hope it does not get worse and does peter out as NR thinks it will.
For now, I will keep quiet and keep prepping and praying and hoping and prepping...

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - Straight Shooter - 19 November 2012

this is just a side show....thats all..however russia , china.. thats the real target korea will be the trigger..for china and israel for the usa......when i don,t know ...but it will come to pass . on my radar... and just throw in the EU for good measure

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - ObongoPox - 19 November 2012

Mean't to say:'[is]pretty unprecedented.'All this idle speculation and' will they,won't they',is tedious and pointless.I tend to agree with ALL of you as nobody knows where this is going and all opinions are valid until proven otherwise.

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - Scythe13 - 19 November 2012

Hi, welcome to the forum.

Hope you have a great time with us.

How are your preps going so far?

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - ObongoPox - 19 November 2012

HiYa Scythe.Am in final stages of brick-buit U house/bunker.WARNING to all novice brick-layers;IT'S HARD(but gets easier if you persevere).Just hoping it doesn't all kick-off while I'm still only 75% done hahahaha

RE: Lots and lots and lots of 9/11s - Scythe13 - 19 November 2012

That's some great work OP.

What's your height above sea level?