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Recce & Patroling Course - Printable Version

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Recce & Patroling Course - NorthernRaider - 16 December 2011

Bout 6 or 7 years ago I did a 2 day patroling course to introduce non military community types of people to patroling and recconaisance it was fairly sucessful, day one was classroom work and day two was the group taking turns at leading a patrol along a course route with me encouraging them not critiquing them on things to look out for and how to move tactically and as safely as possible.

I may run another this summer if anyone is interested.

RE: Recce & Patroling Course - mikebratcher69 - 16 December 2011

Been so long I could probably do with a catch up... and no looking at my arse if I'm at the front....

RE: Recce & Patroling Course - Skean Dhude - 17 December 2011

I'd be interested.

RE: Recce & Patroling Course - preservefreak - 18 December 2011

I'd be interested in this if it went ahead

RE: Recce & Patroling Course - Terry - 19 December 2011

Dates, costs and location (not much then - sigh!) am up for it!


RE: Recce & Patroling Course - cryingfreeman - 20 December 2011

I'd be game, assuming I can escape the wife and 2 babies. Where? When? I'm assuming it would be preferably nice and quiet, low key, far from the madding crowd.

RE: Recce & Patroling Course - NorthernRaider - 20 December 2011

I'm thinking next summer, the last one was in Northumberland but that to far north for most of you , So probably Hamsterly forest in Weardale.
I dont charge for anything normally it goes against my beliefs in sharing skills , I only charge when contracted to make tailor made plans for individual families, so the costs would only be those involved in geting there.

Ideally when SD eventually get regular RZs sorted for the Cheshire area we could probably do one down there which would be more convenient for most of you.

RE: Recce & Patroling Course - Skean Dhude - 20 December 2011

I'll be happy to arrange something but I need to find out some things first. I'll PM you and we can discuss.

RE: Recce & Patroling Course - bowdrill - 20 December 2011

yes would be up for that depends when work etc


RE: Recce & Patroling Course - Deano - 28 January 2012

Yep Id like to be on the course or help out, I dont mind playing 'enemy' encampment, Tongue