SD,... your post on the main site has prompted this suggestion again,..sorry..
In it you talk about gathering information, and adapting your preps as different situations arise
Thats great, of course I completly agree with that, but I dont see a difference between gathering information from a fello prepper, or from a news source,.. a prepper can only give his opinion, where as many news items are generated by people whos job it is to gather information.
I think I know where your reluctance to include news items come from,.. many of them are false, some are simply missleading, and many of them we couldnt possibly prep for anyway.
....but on the same score, we need to understand which way the world is going, how world affairs is/are effecting this country, ...............does a war in `x` part of the world going to effect the oil and the transport here which could lead to food shortages for us all?.......
I am wondering if we cant have the best of both worlds, could we have a news section where members can post any news items that they see as important, but that no-one can reply to,.. the item is simply there to read only
this way, its possible that we can reduce the blind spots that you refer to in your main site article
A major part of survival is invisibility.