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keep your eyes open...
27 December 2011, 14:09,
keep your eyes open...
As preppers we should be informed about as much as possible i.m.h.o. distraction from our home situation may be the reason, but we should look at the whole pictire not just the outside of the box, tunnel vision may be very dangerous at this time.
The American situation is on the brink of marshal law, one or two major incidentson U.S. soil now, would more than likely invoke it, they were doing armed millitary joint local police patrols recently seizing weapons legaly held by force, indeed one grandma got punched in the face for "resisting". Whilst we are not in the U.S. we're their bitch, so what effect would that have on us? would they try to do similar over here?
The governments already on the look out and activly tendering for water cannon etc over here. I'd personaly love to bug out to the country, but the O.H. wont abandon her life here till absolutly necessary, a trap more than one prepper is in I think or for work reasons or age reasons.
I agree with you N.R. times running out, I've got a bad feeling that even though the world may not end on 2012, what about all the people that think it is? were these gang attacks a pre curser of that avalanche that may derail the train? is it going to go bad very quickly ? I think all our warning bells are ringing now more than ever. Is the populace that think the fat ladys about to sing going to live it up? The british governments drafting 13500 troops into the olympic area,thats right thirteen thousand five hundred. and thats the ones we know about. All supposidly unarmed, but i'll guarantee you their weapons wont be that far away.
Theres a no fly zone imposed either, I think youd find that quickly would be country wide, so forget about travelling by aircraft to shetland or wherever. They may seal off london first and if thats sucsessful then try and spread the tentacles to other parts of the country, possibly thats just enough to defend london and the masters from the rest of the hungry hordes in the country who are going to be looking for their masters for help. Plus while not directly concerning us any atack on Iran would have direct concequences on us, how many loyal terrorists do you think are already in this country? armed? For gods sake we actualy complained about our home grown terror cells being held on foreign soil AND asked for them back!!! ask yourself why, why would any country want citizens back that were activly known to be fighting on the enemy side?
Is it a convienient excuse for more controls over here? after all if there are known terrorists over here, tighter population controls would be the way to go no? Especialy as they've been recent reports about WHITE BRITISH al quaeda terror cells. So they would'nt just be looking for asian looking people it'd be EVERYONE.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
27 December 2011, 14:11,
RE: keep your eyes open...
So yet again we can all see to varying degrees that there is a clear and present danger to the prepper community in one form or another Yes?

OK once again I ask the bloody silent majority of the community WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT ?

27 December 2011, 14:53,
RE: keep your eyes open...
i'm just a little bit concerned about the Iran situation, there has been talk of the US going to war with them for some time now, and if they do go to war it will set of a powder keg, that whole region is now Islamic and i hate to think what would happen here if the US invades Iran. we have many Moslem groups here who would love to kill ANYONE not of their religion( remember the only good Kuffar-their name for a non believer-is a dead Kuffar), thats to say nothing of the street gangs, both black and white, and the ordinary criminals/looters and arsonists who would also take part in any general mayhem.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 December 2011, 15:22,
RE: keep your eyes open...
Nah the Israelis will styep in if Iran gets antsy, and its far enough away not to be a threat to us in the UK, and Iran is only a minor oil exporter.


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