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Toulouse gunman Mohammed Merah had links to Islamic extremists in Britain
25 March 2012, 09:42,
Toulouse gunman Mohammed Merah had links to Islamic extremists in Britain
whether you believe this guy was a patsy for the c.i.a. or he acted as a "lone wolf" keep your eyes open, at the moment they seem to be targetting Jewish and Milllitary targets AND they dont care if children are involved. we dont know if and when this will change, or if and when anything will happen over here. All I know be prepared for something like this over here and if you have children at cadets be extra vigilent.
I think these things are unlikely to happen over here as we seen to be being "overlooked" by patsy's or terrorists at the moment, maybe they're saving it all for the olympics and dont want security raising prior to an attempt, so be warned and be careful.

The Al Qaeda gunman who shot dead seven people in France was in touch with British Islamic extremists as recently as last year, security sources in Paris said yesterday.

Mohammed Merah, 23, who was killed when police commandos stormed his flat in Toulouse last week, is said to have met UK-based jihadists on a visit to Afghanistan. His codename – ‘Youssef Toulouse’ – was passed to British security agents.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
25 March 2012, 13:12,
RE: Toulouse gunman Mohammed Merah had links to Islamic extremists in Britain
They should publicly marinate him in pigs blood and feed him to pigs for what he has done.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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