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Katla is Grumbling again
2 December 2011, 10:36,
Exclamation  Katla is Grumbling again

I think this should be moved up the list of things we need to be monitoring much more closely, the banking and financial crisis is nothing compared to the risk if Katla erupts, Its supposed to erupt tween 40 and 80 year intervals, its long overdue.

Last time it went off it altered the climate for the worse last time it erupted.

May I draw your attention to the following snippet from the BBC article
"Katla is part of a volcanic system that includes the Laki craters. In 1783 the chain erupted continuously for eight months generating so much ash, hydrogen fluoride and sulphur dioxide that it killed one in five Icelanders and half of the country's livestock.

"And it actually changed the Earth's climate," says Mr Cochran.

"Folks talk about a nuclear winter - this eruption generated enough sulphuric acid droplets that it made the atmosphere reflective, cooled the planet for an entire year or more and caused widespread famine in many places around the globe.

"One certainly hopes that Katla's eruption will not be anything like that!"

The trouble is scientists do not know what to expect. As Prof Einarsson explains, volcanoes have different personalities and are prone to changing their behaviour unexpectedly. "

I think its worth at least some consideration as in the worst case scenario it may or could require us ALL to bug out south.

2 December 2011, 12:24,
RE: Katla is Grumbling again
Maybe that will sort out the global warming and save us billions. Wink
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
2 December 2011, 14:47,
RE: Katla is Grumbling again
(2 December 2011, 12:24)Skean Dhude Wrote: Maybe that will sort out the global warming and save us billions. Wink

Knowing my luck I'll end up with a glacier in my garden.

2 December 2011, 18:09,
RE: Katla is Grumbling again
Well the Maya did say this world was going to end with fire....
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

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