The Government 'has run out of money' and cannot afford debt-fuelled tax cuts or extra spending, George Osborne has admitted.
In a stark warning ahead of next month’s Budget, the Chancellor said there was little the Coalition could do to stimulate the economy.
I wonder what marvels the new budget will hold for us?
We already face higher fuel costs, higher food costs, higher everything costs.
I think my friends we're on the brink of benefit cuts pension cuts, higher rents, higher council tax etc...
how long will it be for people in work to not be able to afford to go to work?
What'll happen then?
I dont think a british "greece" is too far away, but who's going to bail us out if anyone will and at what cost.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."