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The Uk Govts NHS Emergency planning system service
30 March 2012, 16:32,
The Uk Govts NHS Emergency planning system service
Today our government whose Emergency Planning and response teams who are tasked with civil protection during a major incident or crisis or war had to send out hurried E mails to counties, petrol stations and oil companies telling them that they........

..... must stop limited front line Emergency abulances and Paramedic units to £50 worth of fuel!!!!!!!. I kid you not, our planning for disaster system is soooooo foooked up that garages with limiting emergency front line vehicles to fifty quids worth of fuel.

30 March 2012, 18:56,
RE: The Uk Govts NHS Emergency planning system service
There is nothing like joined up thinking by our masters and their millions of people paid to do what we do for free and we are the ones that get it right.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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