RE: Hugo Chavez snuffs it, Oil concerns
sadly due to the intricate web that our governments weave with their currency investments, most of england investments are not actually in uk pounds but are held in various currencies from around the world.
we hold large volumes of currency in dollars amongst others like yen and even the euro.
sadly as these currencys depreciate so do our investments.
since most countries operate this not keeping all your eggs in one basket policy they have all become susceptable to a large weakness.
if one currency becomes weak then so do the others like a domino effect.
the effect is worse when it is the $ that is effected since this is the currency that the world uses when dealing with oil.
where once the £ was based on gold ( no longer ) the $ is based on oil. (not for long)
the yen is based on rare minerals and the chinese have said or years that oil should no longer be dealt with dollars to the barrel. but should now be dealt yen instead.
its hard to argue with them since they own more $ and £ than either of the large english speaking countries.
theyve said they will cut off access to the cheap rare minerals that make up 90% of our modern electronic goods and batteries within the next 3 years. leaving the rest of the world totally dependant on them for the manufacturing of the electronics of the future.
maybe the world wouldnt be as bad if the economies were all based around the yen. it certainly the most stable of the current economies and highly likely to be the only one to survive the next big crash.
but im not an economist and could be totally wrong
looking at the current state of the economies of the world England is pretty knackered.
if we stay in the european union we will slowly go bankrupt.with the rest of it.
if we leave it , we lose all trade agreements and go bankrupt fast.
Made in england is extinct
note : its just an oppinion if im wrong id be delighted.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson