WOOOO!!!!! SUMMER!!!!!!!
YEAH!!!!! LOVE THE SUN!!!!!!!
Oh wait.....much of the South East was lacking water and in a hosepipe ban. Well....that must have stopped right.....?
This huge bump in the summer sun, and the lack of rainfall over the last few MONTHS (Oh yes, read it right. Last few months!!! Never before has England not had rain!!! haha) has caused the semi-draught to get worse. This summer sun in Spring doesn't bode well either. In fairness, it looks like water storage right now is a MUST!!! Especially you Prep Girl and Prep Chick (I think that's your name. It might have been PrepperChick). Anyone in the South East, store up that water.
The Savannah/Sahara weather is a little concerning. I'm not claiming a polar shift or anything like that. Not even global warming (even though it would seem that way). I'm just saying, it's looking a little dryer than expected right now. The only thing I would warn about.....floods. If the water in the ground diminishes to a certain point, it basically bakes the ground. That means that when it rains (and oh will it rain! It's very long over due) the rain will not be drawn and absorbed into the ground. There will be HUGE surface run off. Leading to flooding in many areas.
They could be flash floods, or just 'normal' flooding. But the one thing dry could certainly cause....flooding. Weird hu?