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time for war
28 October 2011, 01:06,
time for war
looked at news papers today both the germans and the french shouting about war if the euro fails. some body told me history does not repeat it's self but stupied humans repeat history how true ?
i guess 65 years is to long a time for their brains to remember the last war and all the suffering causeAngry
to win the war, you must be willing to die
28 October 2011, 09:32,
RE: time for war
The minute the left suggested forming the EEC the countdown to another war began. Both the left and the right have their own desires for a single socialist super state and EUSSR if you wish.

I reckon next time it will be us versus nearly all of Europe cept perhaps Norway and Portugal.

28 October 2011, 11:03,
RE: time for war
I'm not understanding who would be on what sides and why?
When Iceland defaulted on their loans we didn't bomb them and invade. To what end? The few resources lying around to be plundered wouldn't pay for the effort of the war to go and get them let alone pay off the debt as well.

WWI and WWII were fought to stop expansionist activity (and 'ethnic cleansing') not for economic reasons.
It could be argued that desert storm I & II were fought (partially) for economic reasons but they were far from on an even footing.
Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?
28 October 2011, 11:04,
RE: time for war
The big difference this time is more people are sheep. They won't just step up and march off to war plus our weapons make wars the old way impossible.

Modern war, which I think unlikely, will be devastation in cities and, providing Cameron doesn't faint and follows protocol, would leave us all licking wounds for a long time, perhaps forever.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
28 October 2011, 11:39,
RE: time for war
Skvez the objective is not to bomb a country becauise it has defaulted or its banks have ripped people off, it is a matter for the right wing of an ultra capitialist unelected super state dominated by the mega corps or for the left wing of creating an nundemocratic, unelected socialist single party super state. Its the same old two equally evil concepts far right and far left fighting round three to dominate Europe

28 October 2011, 11:47,
RE: time for war
@ Northern Raider
But fighting whom?
Who's on which side?
Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?
28 October 2011, 11:50,
RE: time for war
The EU NEVER stopped any wars, that was due to the UN. every time a war started-Iraq,Afghanistan-it first starts with a UN mandate nothing at all to do with the EU.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
28 October 2011, 11:51, (This post was last modified: 28 October 2011, 11:59 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: time for war
The ruling elite and their supporters and aids versus any citizen who treasures the rights and liberties we fought so long for.

Mega corps want worker drones on low wages who are not allowed to strike. Socialists want worker drones being told that their komrades know what is best and what they should earn, where they should live, where they holiday, what they drive.

Both tolerate no dissent.

(28 October 2011, 11:47)Skvez Wrote: @ Northern Raider
But fighting whom?
Who's on which side?

(28 October 2011, 11:50)bigpaul Wrote: The EU NEVER stopped any wars, that was due to the UN. every time a war started-Iraq,Afghanistan-it first starts with a UN mandate nothing at all to do with the EU.

Look how the damnned EU stood by and watched as Serbs, Bosnians and Croats commited genocide to each other. Look to Afghanistan where other EU nations refuse to deply combat troops to risky areas.
I notice we are drifting into the old habit of identifying threats and problems, then wondering what side is right or wrong and which position we should take.

I donnt believe that is where we nbeed to be, we personally or as a group of preppers can nave no influence on which way the EU goes, all we can do is ensure we survive it intact.

We must plan and respond to a generic threat of instability in Europe and prepare for economic collapse, cxivil unrest and excessive reaction from the various governments. My greatest fear is they target us as " anti social " elements.

prepare, plan,position yourself to be an self reliant and low profile as possible.

28 October 2011, 13:16,
RE: time for war
quick history lesson?
ww 1 started because someone got shot in austria then the germans steped in then the frence fought the germans we got involved because france refused to pay back the money they owed us if we didn't help france the germans have never wanted to fight us after ww 1 ended credit went big time around the world in 1929 the stock market crashed and every thing went down hill from there germany had to pay high financal cost for ww 1 to france along with down ward economy and every thing else that goes with that the german people were miffed and a soilder from ww 1 became boss in germany his name mr a hitler thus start of ww 2 and once again the germans didn't want to fight us i could go on in more detail but thats the quick version now france and german have to put 50% of the money in the eu pot and don't like it every thing is about the money so a war if it happened would be france and germany like always and britain has cut back so much on defence we could do nothing in a major war unless america came in with us and the we would owe america shed loads of money and take another 50 years to pay for it the threat of war should make everyone wake up to the real problem and switch their silly heads off in business you make choices right and wrong if wrong you lose your money if right you make a profit the gov. should not step in and try to save your butt at the cost of other people i can't seee the bank paying your bills for you when you make a mistake
to win the war, you must be willing to die
28 October 2011, 14:12,
RE: time for war
During the last defence review John Knott claimed the UK needed 22 destroyers and corvettes of the latest type to protect the British homelands, that excluded our foreign dependencies. We now have 19 Destroyers, no carriers and no fleet air arm.

Mind you the army did number about 150,000 plus the 50,000 of the BAOR, now we have 96 and its about to be cut to 84,000. We had hundreds of chieftain tanks, it used to be 55 Chieftains to a battalion, now its 34 Challenger 2s.

The Europeans will just be able to walk into the UK when they want to.

No nation on earth has defeated the Brits on their own in warfare for hundreds of years, but our enemies have learned they can defeat us with lawyers and politicians instead.


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