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VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
1 April 2012, 11:36,
VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
The time is very fast approaching where OPSEC issues on prepping will no longer be secure online on forums, PMs and E mails.

I ask, beg and beseach all preppers actively seek to organise physical meets and gatherings where evesdropping by big brother can be lessened or limited.

1 April 2012, 12:04,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
I personally, think this is already happening and has been for a long time. Kenneth Eames.
1 April 2012, 12:13,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security

Only for certain people. This will allow a big net and more people will become suspect.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
1 April 2012, 12:38,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
Oooh at these meets we can play spit the undercover reporter and spot the FBI undercover guy who can catch us saying "I don't like the gubberment" like they do in the usa

Assuming the article isn't an April fools. Which wouldn't be that funny if it was.
1 April 2012, 13:13,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
AngryAngryAngryAngryAngry:What can you say about the Ars*holes@AngryAngryAngryAngry
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
1 April 2012, 13:15,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
IF this happens and i think its a big if- i'm a bit suspicious as today is April 1st ALL FOOLS DAY! but i think we have to be a bit circumspect, all talk of wpns is O.U.T., evens mention of TPTB is a bit dicey -i'm assuming "they" are up on their abbreviations, we will just have to confine it to plant growing and keeping animals and other such innoculous subjects.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
1 April 2012, 14:08,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
Not a april fool doofah, its real, the DM is now also reporting on this

1 April 2012, 14:35,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
just cos its in the Daily Fail dont make it true! anyway its got to go through Parliament first, watch this space!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
1 April 2012, 15:16,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
I learned many years ago not to trust our major political Parties. Unfortunately UKIP didn't have a Candidate in my Constituency at the last election, so I was unable to vote for them. Kenneth Eames.
1 April 2012, 17:07,
RE: VERY important news about prepper COMMS security
its all over the news channels now so i guess its true, welcome to the new world order! 1984 anybody?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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