30 June 2012, 07:32,
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EUSSR in nearly here
The recent moves in the EU for tighter fiscal union is a back door attempt to create the much wanted (by the elite) EU superstate.
Most sheeple do not understand what is going on and CMD is simply doing as he is told by not giving a referendum. It will be way too late for one of those soon, as the iron curtain once again descends, but over the whole of Europe this time.
Dark times are ahead, and it is nothing to do with TSHTF scenario, it is more likely a Stalinesque future. I doubt that I will survive this, as I am too much of a rebel, so will no doubt be shot or something.
If only the sheeple would wake up.
30 June 2012, 08:15,
prepper operator
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
Amen to that my friendly clone.
30 June 2012, 11:44,
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
I see Blair...thats B.Liar to most of us...now wants to be president of Europe and he wants us in the single currency, someone save us from this lunatic!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
1 July 2012, 18:01,
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
Nigel Farage on the Politics Show...this guy makes a lot of sense: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-18664665
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
1 July 2012, 18:25,
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
Farage is a GOD made of Common Sense.
1 July 2012, 19:51,
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
UKIP and Mr Farage.
Good ideas but no chance of succeeding.
Our current 2 1/2 party political system won't allow it.
As for the EU and the superstate, I'm not worried.
They've got months (if not years) of jaw jacking to go before anything happens.
The Greece situation is proof of that.
After all their latest talks were full of bluster and rhetoric yet ,once again, no real substance and no concrete plans.
I'm more worried about the possibility of civil uprising in the UK sooner rather than later due to money, immigration, and unemployment than the possibility of a superstate. Not forgeting the up and coming terrorists wet dream target we call the olympics.
1 July 2012, 19:54,
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
Problem is though that whilst the same old same old goes on our childrens futures are being blighted by a legacy of socialism, corruption, totalitarianism and a life of paying massive tax bills for the debts created today.
The EU must be stopped and the malignant cancer of socialism stopped once and for all.
1 July 2012, 20:12,
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
No argument NR.
Short of a revolution or sudden total collapse of the financial system, everything is going to drag on and on. We as a country can't or won't do anything.
The forum members all know it's coming but the sheeple and polititians just don't care.
Having said that I can't prep for everything. I can't worry about everything.
If I did I'd be a total nut job as opposed to being quietly insane.
So all I do is prep for a disaster, collapse of the financial system, and civil uprising.
Boring I know but just about all I can handle.
1 July 2012, 20:35,
prepper operator
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
(1 July 2012, 20:12)Paul Wrote: No argument NR.
Short of a revolution or sudden total collapse of the financial system, everything is going to drag on and on. We as a country can't or won't do anything.
The forum members all know it's coming but the sheeple and polititians just don't care.
Having said that I can't prep for everything. I can't worry about everything.
If I did I'd be a total nut job as opposed to being quietly insane.
So all I do is prep for a disaster, collapse of the financial system, and civil uprising.
Boring I know but just about all I can handle.
Thats a perfectly sensible and justified approach, just prep for things you can control.
2 July 2012, 05:19,
Kenneth Eames
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RE: EUSSR in nearly here
Financialy many things are not for me. At the present time I'm still preparing for a years supply of food and other essentials. I am building up a supply of seed for when I have to grow in the second year of disaster. Unfortunately, money does grow om trees but I don't have a forest to cut down and sell. Slowly, slowly catchee monkey! As I don't do the Lottery it has to be a steady process. Kenneth Eames.