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Food banks.
28 November 2011, 21:25,
RE: Food banks.
17 millionaires in the current Cabinet. They're going to relate positively to the rest of us, (I am absolutely certain of it.) when the next bit of the down turn hits - see today's forecasts.
28 November 2011, 22:02,
RE: Food banks.
It may not blow up for the reasons you say but I'm doing my bit to spread the word of what is going on. Normally changes are slow but now they are coming much faster and people are getting upset. Plus the demographics are different. We are not all stiff upper lipped Brits now. Many come from countries where showing displeasure of a politician involved giving him a lead injection. Some cultures have all the right ideas and as our leaders say we should learn from other cultures. Smile
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
28 November 2011, 23:41,
RE: Food banks.
Our leaders be they political, enterprise or trade unionist are not stupid, they can see the writing on the wall, A planet with 7 billion people on it that can only sustain 5 billion is going to go t**s up and nothing will stop it, but they like us can take steps to insulate and isolate themselves so that after the die off they can continue.

29 November 2011, 11:36,
RE: Food banks.
like i've just said on another thread, if there is a large die off wont lots of MP's and trade union bosses etc. be included in the dead and dying??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
29 November 2011, 11:48,
RE: Food banks.
(29 November 2011, 11:36)bigpaul Wrote: like i've just said on another thread, if there is a large die off wont lots of MP's and trade union bosses etc. be included in the dead and dying??

No, cos they are listed as essential personel and will be protected by the state like they were in WW2

29 November 2011, 12:28,
RE: Food banks.
Of course they will be included. Either by people making sure of that or simply by them not being of any more use to TPTB.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
29 November 2011, 12:36,
RE: Food banks.
(29 November 2011, 11:48)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(29 November 2011, 11:36)bigpaul Wrote: like i've just said on another thread, if there is a large die off wont lots of MP's and trade union bosses etc. be included in the dead and dying??

No, cos they are listed as essential personel and will be protected by the state like they were in WW2

protected from the fighting maybe but what about from a pandemic etc, ? i dont think the plague is any respector of rank.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
3 December 2011, 18:35,
RE: Food banks.
Id just like to add something I found on a recent website, with some working people doing what they do best at the unemployed, slagging them/me/us off, this was a great mans ( Michael Caits) reply...

I await with interest the reaction of all those of you who are yet to face unemployment. Your hubris is noted, your arrogance is accepted and what passes for your undiluted inhumanity will be visited upon you. I am a Post-Graduate, who lives in a Northern City with unemployment at approximately 21%.. A mixture of bad luck and the economic tsunami which wiped out all possibility of self-employment left me in a deep depression which I have hardly emerged from. I don't smoke, drink or take drugs - save the prescription drugs from my GP. I don't have Sky TV, an iPad, iPhone or any games console either. Those of you who think you know what 'wastrels' and 'scroungers' people who receive Benefits are, bear in mind - that 'safety-net' you seem so gleefully to be pulling out from under those unfortunate enough to need it: it was there for you too! How stupid is that? Please, do keep hating the unemployed and disabled: that way, when the dam breaks and riots, insurrection and exaction pour out over every City in England - you can have something to rue: your regrets will be tearful, but unheeded. Mercilessness is NOT only your cynical solution to any of this. But, by far the biggest mistake you are making is to think that those affected will not yet fight back. These are not Jews in the Warsaw ghettoes, to be harmed at will. These are not coraled Blacks in the Apartheid segregated South African townships, to be starved into submission. These are not your social victims to do as you please. You are not paying for them either, no matter what vain excuses you try to put forward. It was their Grandfathers, their Grandmothers who fought in the Second World war who bought all their rights to life and liberty, with their blood, their sacrifice, their lives given for Queen and Country, and none of you modern, preening, self-satisfied Nazis will ever take their lives away from them. "Starve the Wolves and see them kill" (Ancient Norse Omen) As for Vince Cable's comment "We are at War" - if the Lib-Dems are the Vichy Government, the Conservatives the Nazis and the Labour "opposition" - Collaborators. Yes, we are at war!
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
3 December 2011, 18:57, (This post was last modified: 3 December 2011, 19:07 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Food banks.
"Id just like to add something I found on a recent website, with some working people doing what they do best at the unemployed, slagging them/me/us off, this was a great mans ( Michael Caits) reply..".

I'm not working, not had a full time job since 1998 which I elected to give up when our son was born, WE do not claim benefits, we do not expect society or the state to pay for our upkeep, we dont not expect handouts because we have kids. We waited 20 years before we started a family, We used our life savings to sustain us during our childs early years we did not run to Surestart or other politically correct establishment. Money is desperately tight, I have washed windows, cut lawns, transported rubbish, done 18 hour nights as a security guard, but I do not want or expect anything from this filthy parasitic insidious welfare state that make people think the state or society OWES them anything.
Indeed if my poor wife who has at times done two jobs to keep us fed was not being hammered with a total taxation bill of nearly 41% we could be fully self sufficient and much happier. But unfortunately in this parasite infested nation we have to part with over a full third of our income so the money can be spent ( wasted) on the welfare state.

Why should we pay via taxes for libraries we dont use, swimming pools and sports facilities we will never visit, why am I paying for community buses, meals on wheels, subsidising council tax, play groups, gay and lesbian advice centers etc etc. It is immoral and wrong that we should be paying anything for something that does not directly benefit us, It is wrong that other people think that because misfortune has frowned upon them that someone else should pay their living costs.
We should be cutting welfare to the bare bones and limit to six months max for any claim, Cut taxation and VAT to 10% each, Cut fuel duty and scrap most of the welfare system, get the economy rolling and create jobs.

My families earning would be much better used if we only had 10% going out in taxation to pay for absolute essentials, the other 31% saved could transform our quality of life and we would not be struggling.
Two old devils on local radio last week grubling how bad state pensions are and how they arte struggling, yet one worked at ICI for 41 years but CHOSE not to join the pension scheme, both are known for being in the workies or Labour club almost every night after work, both have lived their entire lives in Council houses and now reside in retirement bungalows. Both have contributed almost nothing towards their own retirement fund and like most lefties now think someone else should pay for them. A follow up caller was a chap who had saved part of his salary at the steel coil works, but Gordon Brown raided part of it years ago. He had his own semi det house not far from my mums, he could not sell it to give the money to his kids he was forced to sell it to pay for his wifes place in a care home. Naturally those who never saved or contributed in any of the 60 plus years this welfare state has existed get their place in the home for free.
The best form of government is the one that governs least, takes least and wastes least on welfare.

3 December 2011, 20:34,
RE: Food banks.
every coin has two sides
the dhss was put there to help people when in hard times
in the old days we had work houses for the poor people and a little crime
things move on we pay our taxes so the gov can waste our money but where does it go oversea to help third rate countries to take our business and now call centers next will be banking houses
the problem is the people who are in charge know nothing about business and run our country at a loss.
in the old days you went to jail for not paying your debt and everthing took from you to pay it
now you just go bankrupt for £500 and everone else has to take the loss thanks to blair
but just one thing we should keep in mind we should not judge a man until we walk in his shoes and understand what he feels
and i wonder how we would cope with peolpe stealing what they want by force not everone is young, fit and capablie of defeneding themself
to win the war, you must be willing to die

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