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Food banks.
3 December 2011, 22:31,
RE: Food banks.
I could not object to a system where help was directed to those BRITISH TAX PAYERS who have fallen on hard times provided they have paid tax and NI for at least five years.

4 December 2011, 00:05,
RE: Food banks.
The US system was set up so no welfare at all but little government intrusion. That is why it was said for as long as you can keep it. (I'll find the quote later) That way you were responsible for yourself and only your rights were respected.

They were life,liberty and the persuit of happiness. Socialist converted it to life and happiness. Happiness is impossible to give without taking it from others.

My view though the guy was forced to pay into it and he doesn't want to claim. More fool him.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
4 December 2011, 07:59,
RE: Food banks.
The problems this country are facing are not caused by those who use the benefit system, but by the way the benefit system is abused by those who hold the purse strings.

If I was an unemployed single lesbian social worker with two adopted ethnic minority kids and the goverment was throwing money at me faster than they could print it then yeh, I'd take it! Who wouldn't?
The problem wouldn't be caused by me, and the fact remains that if those benefits weren't available then I would have got off my tree hugging, sandal wearing backside long ago and got a job.

But things are not always so black and white are they? As we watch mass unemployment and over population start to sink this ship that we call Britania we (the preppers) are smart enough to be sitting in a lifeboat already, many are not and the possibilty of them over running our little boat in blind panic is growing by the day.

I have paid into our welfare system all of my working life and have no problem with continuing to do so even though I never have to use it.
Once again, The problem is not with those who abuse the system, it is that the system is being allowed to be abused.
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.

4 December 2011, 11:55,
RE: Food banks.

So have I, for decades, and now when I come to get some out of it I have a million hoops to jump through. I get hardly enough to live on and that is stopped for the slightest reason. Being a single white male with no kids means I am bottom of the list.

As you said though it is the system. I don't blame any of the people claiming. I blame the politicians.

In my view the DWP, HMRC and most of the government agencies are just the dole in another name. It need dismantled but the people that have to do it like it. We need a purge of those first.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
4 December 2011, 13:58,
RE: Food banks.
(4 December 2011, 11:55)Skean Dhude Wrote: RJ,

So have I, for decades, and now when I come to get some out of it I have a million hoops to jump through. I get hardly enough to live on and that is stopped for the slightest reason. Being a single white male with no kids means I am bottom of the list.

As you said though it is the system. I don't blame any of the people claiming. I blame the politicians.

In my view the DWP, HMRC and most of the government agencies are just the dole in another name. It need dismantled but the people that have to do it like it. We need a purge of those first.

There you go, you made my case for me, WHY do you have to jump through hoops to get your own money???, but be a single parent 16 yr old who has never done a days work, be a convicted drug dealer just released from prison, be an asylum seeker who only 3 months ago was shooting at British soldiers, WHY, WHY WHY do they get thousands, What EXACTLY is the point of having a care or welfare system that denies help to those who pay for the system, and lavishes money, food, phones, transport, housing schooling etc on those who have never paid in a penny, its ****ing perverse.

Imagine having saved £50 a week every week for 30 years in the bank, then when you decide you want to take some money out to help you during a lean period the bank says " No sorry we are not giving you your own money we have given it instead to the black, Nigerian disabled lesbian aslyum seeker with 15 kids who arrived here last week !!!!"

The lads school tried to say " Dear NR cos your so poor your son can have free school meals and free buses to school" I dont want their ****ing food or transport, I want my taxes cut so I can afford to feed him and transport him myself.

I want NOTHING from any society that behaves that way.


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