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Hello from the South west.
27 September 2012, 06:55,
Hello from the South west.
Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself.
I'm based in the south west, not new to prepping but by no means an expert.
I have some supplies and a few caches dotted about, have sorted a BOL should I need it and my BOB is all packed and ready to go.

I'm looking forward to contributing to the forum, apologies in advance if I post something that is already on here, it's a big forum with a lot of information so I'll try to find what I need before posting a question.

Respect existence or expect resistance!
27 September 2012, 07:03,
RE: Hello from the South west.
heyy welcome Smile
27 September 2012, 07:19,
RE: Hello from the South west.
27 September 2012, 07:36,
RE: Hello from the South west.
Hello from glasgow !
27 September 2012, 07:58,
RE: Hello from the South west.
Morning and Welcome

27 September 2012, 07:59,
RE: Hello from the South west.
welcome to the forum dude, am in dorset meself Smile

have fun, read alot, and look forward to chatting Big Grin
27 September 2012, 08:55,
RE: Hello from the South west.
hello and welcome from norfolkSmile
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
27 September 2012, 10:00,
RE: Hello from the South west.
hello and welcome
27 September 2012, 12:58,
RE: Hello from the South west.
hello and welcome, from Devon.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 September 2012, 13:01,
RE: Hello from the South west.
Thanks for your thanks people!
This looks like a great forum, it's not very often you get to see real freedom of speech being practiced.
Respect existence or expect resistance!

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