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28 September 2012, 13:18,

I'm 35 and have been interested in survival to some degree all my life. I say that as I was always trying to figure out how to make hidden shelters or camouflage myself... I was very proud of being so awsome at hide and seek lol, but seriously even then I was always thinking about 'what if'. My dad used to take us canoeing and tip the canoe so we would learn how to right it in the water and get back in, we also did a little shooting and life saving.
Even though I spent years caught up in modern living I worked for a herbalist and learnt a bit about medicinal herbs and spices and how to use essential oils and various plants for treatments... and no I don't think herbs can replace modern medicine, but I do feel there is a place for them.
About 3 years ago I started getting scared. No real reason why only that my feeling was that I was not prepared. So I started stocking up on food and seeds and spending time learning how to do things like crochet, garden, sew etc. and I have become big on upcycling.
I do a bit of wild camping and although my plot is small I manage to produce a reasonable amount of veg and fruit (not enough to live off). I also have spent a lot of time finding the best nut and fruit bushes and trees in the local area... still I know I am unprepared even though I am not sure what I am preparing for!
I can say I don't think I believe the end of the world is just round the corner... maybe the end of the world as we know it.... economic collapse or some such thing.
Anyhow this is me.
28 September 2012, 14:01,
RE: Hello
Welcome to the forum!
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
28 September 2012, 14:23,
RE: Hello
Welcome. I'm sure you will find info here to help.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
28 September 2012, 14:36,
RE: Hello
Hi from glasgow.
28 September 2012, 14:41,
RE: Hello
A big hello from the West.
Respect existence or expect resistance!
28 September 2012, 15:10,
RE: Hello
welcome from Dorset, enjoy your stay here ^^
28 September 2012, 17:35,
RE: Hello
hello and welcome from norfolkSmile
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
28 September 2012, 17:38,
RE: Hello
hello and welcome, from rural Devon.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
28 September 2012, 18:17,
RE: Hello
hello and Welcome from London
28 September 2012, 19:53,
RE: Hello
(28 September 2012, 13:18)Hexyprep Wrote: Hi,

I'm 35 and have been interested in survival to some degree all my life. I say that as I was always trying to figure out how to make hidden shelters or camouflage myself... I was very proud of being so awsome at hide and seek lol, but seriously even then I was always thinking about 'what if'. My dad used to take us canoeing and tip the canoe so we would learn how to right it in the water and get back in, we also did a little shooting and life saving.
Even though I spent years caught up in modern living I worked for a herbalist and learnt a bit about medicinal herbs and spices and how to use essential oils and various plants for treatments... and no I don't think herbs can replace modern medicine, but I do feel there is a place for them.
About 3 years ago I started getting scared. No real reason why only that my feeling was that I was not prepared. So I started stocking up on food and seeds and spending time learning how to do things like crochet, garden, sew etc. and I have become big on upcycling.
I do a bit of wild camping and although my plot is small I manage to produce a reasonable amount of veg and fruit (not enough to live off). I also have spent a lot of time finding the best nut and fruit bushes and trees in the local area... still I know I am unprepared even though I am not sure what I am preparing for!
I can say I don't think I believe the end of the world is just round the corner... maybe the end of the world as we know it.... economic collapse r some such thing.
Anyhow this is me.
Heyyyy welcome :') xxxx


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