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new offence of "supplying a gun".
21 October 2012, 16:53,
new offence of "supplying a gun".
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 October 2012, 17:09,
RE: new offence of "supplying a gun".
Another ploy that has nothing to do with fighting crime and everything to do with keeping control of ther people, EG imagine the 100,000 desperate public sector workers yesterday if they all had access to legally held guns.

21 October 2012, 18:24,
RE: new offence of "supplying a gun".
I assumed that supplying a gun was an offence more so for hand guns than say a shotgun.
21 October 2012, 21:46,
RE: new offence of "supplying a gun".
what a bunch of crap, theres almost no gun crime in the uk, and if people want guns, its not hard to get them Tongue

also, who the fuck rents a gun to commit a crime???
21 October 2012, 22:11,
RE: new offence of "supplying a gun".
My understanding is there is a few places you can rent a gun from for a crime. Return it unfired and you get your deposit back. Makes sense in a perverse sort of way. Capitalism at its best.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
21 October 2012, 22:17,
RE: new offence of "supplying a gun".
If its rented and you get away with whatever the crime was there is no evidence left. You don't get caught randomly for owning the gun or ammunition. It is less hassle.
I think they might charge more if you intend to fire/shoot someone.

Its all bullshit anyway. You get more time in prison using a gun but less for a knife. BAM! everyone just uses knives instead.
21 October 2012, 23:29,
RE: new offence of "supplying a gun".
Criminals renting out guns is quite common. As has been said, return it unfired and you get your deposit back. If you fire it, you buy it. It is because the people who would need or use a gun are at such an occupational risk of being watched or raided, the cops would see them hiding a gun or find it raiding the house. BTW, I am not a criminal, do not rent or hire guns or anything, just sharing common knowledge.

Carnebwen, you have it spot on. People will just use a knife, or fire, or a van and so on. Although I can see an argument for automatically sentencing some one who rents out illegal guns to an offense along the lines of murder by association even if no one is killed, as they are taking the risk of being part of a murder and have no control over whether a murder happens.

Better if murderers got life and it meant life, rather than 'life with a recommendation x many years is served before parole and license'.

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