Greetings all!
I am a new member to this forum, just posting for the first time.
My interest in prepping stems from meeting another prepper in Lincoln who has revived an interest in the subject. My personal goals are to get a 72-hour Bug-Out Bag completed and also to develop my communication capabilities in the event of a disaster. I hold an amateur Advanced license (I have held a license since the late 1960's) and have both HF and VHF/UHF equipment capable of battery power as well as portable antennas for HF and VHF.
Having lived in Canada for a number of years I have encountered incidents such as the Ice Storm of 1998:
as well as the East Coast Blackout of 2003:
plus numerous minor earthquakes, severe thunderstorms, snowstorms, and the occasional tornado! Therefore a degree of prepping is to some extent almost a way of life over there; we always had a MINIMUM of 7 days' food and water stored in the event of some natural or man-made disaster even though we lived in an urban rather than rural area. In fact, the Canadian government encourages everyone to maintain a 72-hour Bug-Out Bag.
I will look forward to reading more posts on here, as well as hopefully contributing.