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N Korea vs S there anything in it.
19 February 2013, 19:51,
N Korea vs S there anything in it.
It would seem N Korea has threated S Korea at a United Nations Conference on Disarmament Conference.....
19 February 2013, 20:02,
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
Its the dumb ass comments at the bottom of the article that worries me.

19 February 2013, 20:04,
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
and a week or 2 ago they were threatening the u.s. and saying how yes all of our thinly veiled long range missile tests are in fact missile tests and we intend to blow you up, and the response to that, their main ally that is china said, you'd be silly to do such a thing.

honestly its all bluster, sure they got themselves a wee bit of nuclear bomb, i do believe about 6 or so (small ones), if they were foolish enough to even attempt to launch one the rest of the world would come down on them like a ton of bricks, they have no allies
19 February 2013, 20:50, (This post was last modified: 19 February 2013, 20:51 by Prepper1.)
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
Still,ive read reports that some north koreans have been caught eating kids because theyre so hungry.
Desperate people do desperate things...

All it takes is a few nukes fired off in random directions...
After all crazy is as crazy does
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
19 February 2013, 21:41,
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
I really do not think it is all bluster. You have to understand that North Korea is a very isolated country. Most of the citizens have no idea what goes on outside the borders of their country. They are fed a propaganda diet of lies and inventions. Hardly surprising that the country and its leaders are paranoid. I doubt if any of the UN leaders are considering that the comments made about South Korea are a joke. These people are just stupid enough to carry out their threats, and paranoid enough to believe that doing so would save themselves.

Did anyone see the extraordinary film footage following the death of their leader? People in thousands all rounded up and sobbing into hankies. Those people who did not display the appropriate amount of grief were actually disciplined for it. These people are crazy.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
19 February 2013, 22:50,
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
Well to be fair, Kim Jong was born upon the highest mountain and a new star appeared in the sky and there was a double rainbow or something.

Its Sabre rattling as per usual, but I think now that people are taking them a bit more seriously. It is also nice to see China step in and say "yeah, mate no leave it out, its not worth it" rather than the usual stuff. If anything happens and there is some sort of war they would end up with all the asylum seekers/refugees and they don't want to be dealing with that.
19 February 2013, 23:54,
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
The average NK soldier is about 1 ft smaller than the SK or US counterparts due to malnutrition. They also have barely enough resources to sustain war for any length of time (100 days I think) Couple that with outdated 50's tech, and its a no brainer.

But then again, simple tech would be running after an EMP. All they would need is to get a scud on a container ship to the West Coast of the US with a suitable warhead, and bye-bye dirty imperialists.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
20 February 2013, 09:35,
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
Militarily you can forget the NKs they would be decimated, but the problem is China would have to come in on NKs side and thats a different matter.

20 February 2013, 15:03,
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
NR, It's possible Russia would join in as well. This would pobably be WW3. My advice to all members is to keep Prepping and learn how to build a Nuclear shelter. Dig a trench and cover with timber and soil. It could save the lives of yourself and family. Be Prepared. Kenneth Eames.
20 February 2013, 15:07,
RE: N Korea vs S there anything in it.
NK itself has been the most threatened-by-nuclear-annihilation nation on earth, thanks to decades of unambiguous warnings from the USA.

Received wisdom is that NK hopes to have a device and delivery mechanism capable of delivering an EMP strike over the continental USA. Its present nuclear arsenal - and indeed, its capacity to manufacture new devices - is minuscule, so in a major war with the West / Japan / S Korea it really has to coat-tail China or else find a way to maximise damage with its minimalistic arsenal.

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