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How safe is my Island ?
11 January 2012, 22:59,
How safe is my Island ?
What do you think are my main worries living in the Channel Islands ?
Personally I think its a pretty good spot. Plenty of water, good growing conditions, fishing, and although there will be looting etc it won't be on the scale as on the main land with all the cities empting. Ok I'm not sitting here with my rose tinted glasses on, there's no way to BO so home security will be needed and I think there will be a lack of fuel (I'm stocking up). There's also the possibility of the French nuclear power station just over the water going up by accident or design. So what do you think.....I'd much appreciate your input.
11 January 2012, 23:15,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
The Channel Islands are more dangerous with regards to weather, so that would be a concern for me.

I'd probably need to see the island to give an accurate view of the safety and protectability. Also, population and general ethics of everyone around would be a huge dependent factor.
11 January 2012, 23:17,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
I would say panic and hysteria amongst other islanders would be my main concern, especially when food shortages increase throughout its other inhabitants. I imagine the Channel Islands to be a very civil place which may infact work against you in a SHTF. Can you imagine the local bobby confiscating your food and distributing it around the island for the greater good?
You have to get up early to catch a fox.
11 January 2012, 23:29,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
Depends what one you live on! If its Sark then you probably wouldnt notice a difference! :p
11 January 2012, 23:46,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
In one way living on an Island would be ideal, if the whole Island pulled together , you can see all around for defence, like you said plenty of water and fish, grow your own stuff, take Guernsey 36 miles around? lovely Little Island, but how high above sea level are you? if there was sever flooding due to weather/tsunamis would it contaminate your water source? Take away the fish and fresh water and add no fast escape? and if there was a Zombie invasion you'd be funked lol
12 January 2012, 09:52,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
Generally the only problem for the Channels is if TSHTF when its full on tourist season, especially if there is a bit of a drought on. Jersey is particularly vulnerable because it has water supply problems most years (parishes too tight to build new reserviors). A guy in St Peterport set up a biodiesel plant in his garage ( about £1500) not so long ago and he is collecting old cooking hotel from hotels and resteraunts to power his Suzuki 2 litre Diesel. So you could probably go the same route as theres no shortages of hotels etc. Sark is probably the most self reliant , but those houses set offshore on rocky outcroppings are the most secure (cept for tsunamis).

Refugees from France and England esp rich ones arriving in their yachts could be a problem, but overall your in a reasonable spot providing you can conceal your family and preps from the authorities and sheeple.

A failsafe bug out boat to get you to Normandy or Dorset may be prudent.

12 January 2012, 11:40,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
I would imagine it is full of older rich people so the die off rate would be significant. I would imagine the biggest issue is the tourists and you would think most of them would go home as soon as there was an issue.

Just keep your head down, you will be in a better position than most.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
12 January 2012, 12:15,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
I think the problem of ANY island irrespective of size is always going to be resupply, how long does it take to get more food into the shops, in the event of TSHTF how easy is it to get off and bug out, or are you confined to the island with all the people going crazy?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 January 2012, 19:32,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
I think some of the smaller islands are much safer. There are several islands (Scotland) here that have around 100 to 200 inhabitants. There are crofters here so there would always be food. There are fishermen too. I believe there are islands that have only twenty or thirty inhabitants, I think you would have problems with some of these. The community is I think too small. Kenneth Eames.
14 January 2012, 13:57,
RE: How safe is my Island ?
I can see tourists could be a problem, but we don't get as many as we used to. If its a slow build up to SHTF as I think it may be (run away inflation leading onto war) there shouldn't be many and the 20,000 Polish and Portuguese immigrants would probably decide to go home to their families. I think protection for those first few weeks is what I need advice on. Like Joransgang says the bobbies will try and take away all the food. Any ideas where to hide food, there's very little land over here that's not privately owned ?

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