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20 March 2013, 16:46,
Why is every thread on this situation being closed?

This is a situation inside your own economic system only it is real, not an imaginary senerio.

Is this not part of what every person should "prep" for?

Or are we only preparing for the zombie apocolipse or some other nonsense?

Cyprus, Portugal, Spain and what was that other one IRELAND, (which I believe is one of your interesting bits).
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
20 March 2013, 17:09,
RE: Cyprus
techinically its not a part of our economic system, thankfully we've not converted to the euro!

i dont have savings, i'm actually always slightly in the red, the banks collapse, i'm not fussed!
20 March 2013, 17:23,
RE: Cyprus
Any discussion of these issues makes the site look like a right wing hate site probably.

Even though everything people discuss is true and polite society is waking up to these truths as people collectively are getting tired of all the lies from the media and government. As peppers we all see this and have planned for it, it's nice to discuss with like minded people but pointing blame and hating the situation doesn't help. Pub conversation, fine. Written here, outsiders see it. Mix in anti immigrant sentiment, anti government sentiment, self sufficiency and the fact some of us have access to weapons you can see why threads get locked. Although I find it annoying too.

I blame labour, and immigrants.
20 March 2013, 17:51,
RE: Cyprus
i blame Labour FOR the immigrants!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 March 2013, 18:27,
RE: Cyprus
I would assume that finance is a part of being prepared because without it you are not able to live let alone prepare. It is a necessary item rather like blood in your veins. So while we have 'normal' going on at the moment it would seem sensible to discuss financial things that happen elsewhere especially if it appears that what is happening elsewhere might just get around to happening here also. The folks in Cyprus did rather have things dumped upon them at very short notice in a very shabby fashion especially the impromptu extra 'bank holidays'.
In any event it requires some discussion if not a lot. There will always be someone who has more than most and good luck to them says I. But for those of us of more moderate means how would we prep for a 'Cyprus incident' should it happen here in the UK? This may have been discussed elsewhere of course and if it has I apologise for not having taken part in the event at the right time.
20 March 2013, 18:41,
RE: Cyprus
Maybe Skean has also been replaced by a new world order lizard person and he is trying to conceal the fact we have found out his secrets. But I'm still going with my first reason.
20 March 2013, 18:50,
RE: Cyprus
at least for the moment we are not part of the Euro Zone, dosent mean that the EU burgers wont think up some new tax for the Brits to pay! just shows you to what lengths these so and so's will go ...very unethical and probably illegal??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 March 2013, 20:28,
RE: Cyprus
The fact that the banksters have tried to steal (no other word for it) from people's bank accounts and have declared a "bank holiday" till next Tuesday at least, show that Cyprus isn't far from financial collapse.My advice would be to keep as little money in your bank accounts as you feel is necessary.
20 March 2013, 20:55,
RE: Cyprus
the other link about a bright sunny spring morning brought this issue up too.

I posted the original post, but all i put was a link to the news story. I spoke with SD and he exlained if i had put some comments relating to prepping it would have stayed up. Blame me.
20 March 2013, 20:57,
RE: Cyprus
They are being closed because;
1) We are all aware that economic collapse is one of the scenarios and are doing what we can.
2) We are all aware that it is likely to be triggered by a third party collapsing and there is nothing we can do.
3) There is nothing we can do about the situation except prepare.
4) These posts add nothing to help us in dealing with the matter. They don'thelp us avoid it, they don't help us prepare, they do nothing for us. They just repeat the same thing, again and again.
5) If I wanted to read about economics I'd be reading the Times or something.

So, I close them as I see them unless they contain information that is new and could make a difference or there is some comments attached that advance our knowledge in prepping. Something new though not just a filler.

It's not like you get paid per something relevant.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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