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ECB 1.1 trill in qe
22 January 2015, 21:45,
ECB 1.1 trill in qe
ECB will print 1.1 trillion euros to protect flat euro economy

will it work....?

will it help us....?

what if it fails....?
Survive the jive (youtube )
22 January 2015, 21:52,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
Cant print your way out of trouble
22 January 2015, 22:10,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
to be honest bd that's the way im thinking , print too much and surely cash will lose its value.
Survive the jive (youtube )
22 January 2015, 23:51,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
(22 January 2015, 21:52)bowdrill Wrote: Cant print your way out of trouble

The UK did and so did the US.........

Europe is late to the party but are now just trying to do, arguably too late, what we have already done.
23 January 2015, 08:22,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
I'm actually looking forward to it, short term at least. The place we want to go on holiday to in the summer is €1300 for a fortnight. The cheaper it gets through exchange rate differences, the happier I'll be. Smile

Long term, who knows? It's kind of worked out ok for UK. We're certainly better off now than we had been since the 2008 crash (it's just a shame 2007-2008 time I was earning then roughly what I am now. It was hard adjusting to the loss, but cheap beans & horse burgers helped. Smile )

The worlds economy is all going to come crashing down at some point in my opinion. And things like this, while they prolong the agony, they prolong the fairly comfortable way of life we have now. I for one want it to continue as long as possible. Because if/when it does fall to pieces, it'll be like hell on earth.
23 January 2015, 11:49,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
I get it now ....Rolleyes

the uk and us are out of trouble.
Survive the jive (youtube )
23 January 2015, 12:29,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
(22 January 2015, 22:10)Sunna Wrote: to be honest bd that's the way im thinking , print too much and surely cash will lose its value.

(23 January 2015, 11:49)Sunna Wrote: I get it now ....Rolleyes

You clearly don't........
23 January 2015, 20:45,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
Of course it is not going to work. It's yet another sticking plaster on a wound that is slowly bleeding out. The one-size-fits-all reasoning of the EU will be its downfall, and the coming elections in Greece this weekend might, just might, be the start of the collapse. Fingers crossed.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
24 January 2015, 10:55,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
let us hope so, I really cant see DC giving us our referendum.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 January 2015, 12:00,
RE: ECB 1.1 trill in qe
if the eu fails , how do you think it would affect us.

would we get a huge flood of legal Europeans coming here for work or benefits.
would the crime rate rise ,could our nhs , police , schools cope.
their just about holding on now.
Survive the jive (youtube )

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