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Ukraine kicking off again
24 January 2015, 17:39,
Ukraine kicking off again
It seems that both sides in the Ukraine conflict having been going on the offensive this week and latest incident involves the Russian backed rebels firing long range missiles into the Ukrainian held city of Mariupol as the start of an all out offensive to take the city and further land from the Ukrainian authorities

Looks more like Russia trying to establish a land corridor between Russia and the Crimea.
25 January 2015, 08:03,
RE: Ukraine kicking off again
Just watched Ross Kemp's Extreme World, filmed in the Ukraine a couple months ago; basically showing that Mariupol is their target so they can hook up with Crimea.

Seems the only major defense of the city is a battalion of well equipped far-right wing volunteers (including from other European countries), who are meanwhile also trying to get into the national government. Looking at the flags they were carrying (SS runes, Wolfsangel etc), it's no wonder the Russian govt have apparently been able to frame their messaging to their citizens as fighting against fascism.
25 January 2015, 10:58,
RE: Ukraine kicking off again
Yet another engineered conflict caused by the Western puppet regime, installed by an organised coup. TPTB need an enemy, don't you get it by now, without anyone to be afraid of or fight the military industrial complex will lose money and influence over our politicians. War is Peace as the novel 1984 shows us.
25 January 2015, 11:01,
RE: Ukraine kicking off again
War is about making money for the arms industry, which is a huge industry both here in the UK but especially in the USA.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 January 2015, 12:42,
RE: Ukraine kicking off again
the problems run a lot deeper than that , stalin starved several million men women and kids from the Ukraine and so they hate Russia.
they welcomed hitler and national socialism with open arms and fought in his armys quite freely .
after ww2 Russia did not forget this and again Ukraine payd the price .

good luck the the Ukraine freedom fighters .

father odin watches over you..
Survive the jive (youtube )

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