24 June 2016, 20:41,
Skean Dhude
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Brexit woe
Well we won. The exit from the EU we have been pushing for for so long has been approved by the people and we will work, at a politicians pace, to get out from under the yoke.
One thing that has been apparent today is that there are a lot of whingers on the remain side. One person even burst into tears, everyone else is predicting doom and you would think that we had just approved the mass execution of all these illegal aliens. (Perhaps in a few months)
Never before have I met such a bunch of poor losers. Perhaps I should not wind them up so much.
Personally, I think it has removed my biggest fear for the next few years and now I'm worried about drowning in tears.
Polling station was full and we had a 70+% turnout so it really was the will of the people.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
24 June 2016, 21:23,
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RE: Brexit woe
You are Wright matey the people have spoken,let's hope the tptb don't fuck us over
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
25 June 2016, 02:37,
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RE: Brexit woe
The elites need to bend over and spread their cheeks. The masses have spoken.
You've got your country back, if you can keep it.
All the whiners can bugger off! Life isn't fair!
Seize your victory!
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
25 June 2016, 03:05,
Posts: 485
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RE: Brexit woe
I'll be moving to New Zealand no later than the end of 2017 so 'I'm alright Jack'. I'd been thinking hard on emigration, this EU exit just made my thinking about the move into my total aim in life. Bye bye blighty.
Charles, there has been no victory today for the UK.
25 June 2016, 04:35,
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RE: Brexit woe
Harry, if that's how you feel, then it is best to leave.
You've a right to your opinion, but I sense a generational difference.
I will leave it there, good luck to you.
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
25 June 2016, 07:16,
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RE: Brexit woe
I had hoped for a turn out of 60%+ to make this a real result - over 70% indicates, to me at least, that Mr and Mrs Apathy were appropriately energised to do something for a change. Well done!!
The fact that the majority of this turn out supported my opinion was an added bonus. Well done again!!
"Power to the People" and "The Final Countdown" briefly came into focus as my 'wicked' sense of humour kicked in for a few seconds.
Does this mean that we will be out of the E.U. by Friday week? I think not - sadly.
The people who got us into this 'mess' will, I have no doubt, take their time to remove us from it - should they so desire.
It will be very interesting to watch things unfold over the next few weeks/months/years.
25 June 2016, 19:52,
RE: Brexit woe
Well the way i see it is....even when you have ALL the main media at your disposal ....people of the UK could see through the total shit banded about by the remain or as i call them brain dead entities JEEZ they even dragged out Bob ( i'm a fucking idiot ) Geldoff with a loudhailer
to stupid to be stupid !.......but i would like to thank him for helping out the leave campaign ....while i am about it, my thanks also reaches over the water to The President of the USA ...and our special relationship , you stood shoulder to shoulder as we knew you would for the Leave campaign ....shucks what a guy !.
The simple Facts are.
People have had enough of the deceit .
People are now very much on the case of all Politicians.
people see through the bull shit the main media puts out on behalf of their paymasters.
People Are On to You ....including the bankers......they Will come for YOU .....ALL....Soon i hope .
I am a WELSHMAN through and through......but .... you can call me a True member of the British Isles ....I got my country Back ! and to all the remain people....You Fucking Lost ! lol.
25 June 2016, 20:40,
Posts: 1,578
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RE: Brexit woe
Straight Shooter,
The simple facts as you spell out describe our situation in the US as well. Our time will come in November...
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
25 June 2016, 20:48,
Posts: 485
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Joined: Jan 2016
RE: Brexit woe
Its done now, the route is being laid, the UK if flucked...enough said on the issue.
25 June 2016, 22:31,
RE: Brexit woe
Charles, what you say is true ....and its no surprise as it emanates from the same exact root sauce, and true Americans need to stand up , just stand the fuck up for just WHAT is laid down in your constitution plain and simple.............you do not need do anymore than that....even when tptb try to alter,degrade, rewrite,downgrade, ignore what was written by very wise men all those years ago still holds true so much so THEY knew at some future date that any true American in that future date could and should refer back to this document for reassurance and guidance and realise that no amendments are required , in fact its a guide for how much deviation of the present day ...shortfalls the original document in its true form.
Harry good luck in NZ .