RE: Hello from Yorkshirelass
Hello and welcome from another lone female, sadly I'm not in such a good location as you are, if I were I would be applying for a shotgun licence,but it would draw to much attention to me, someone applying for a shotgun on my estate? my house would be the first the police or army would come knocking shtf, if you can afford it do it! us Women will have to be on the ball and ahead of the game, it's all about a good hiding place not at home, some where close enough that you can get to in a hurry but far enough away from the house so you can see what's going on without being seen and weapons to defend yourself.
As for ( who ever said don't recall) people not heading out to the country side looking for food I don't agree, it's in the local papers and msm almost every week, cows being slaughtered, skinned and boned out where there stand in the fields, pigs even swans being killed for food, allotments are being raided, if I was hungry the first thing I'd think of was all them farmers in the country side growing crops and keeping animals, plus anyone with half a brain would want to get as far away from the cities as they could.
Also a good use for bungees, is if you can secure fixtures? to attach the bungee to behind your front/back door, when kicked in it gives added protection, only a minute or to before they realise why the door won't go down but a minute or two could safe your life.