(15 March 2012, 18:50)NorthernRaider Wrote: Can anyone else work out the system YL is using on her various kits, I cant work out whats EDC, Whats Personal, Whats Jacket is jacket part of EDC, Whats handbag is that EDC or GHB, What is personal is the stuff on her key ring EDC, Jacket, Bag or sommat else. I'm sure theres a practical system in place but i cant work it out, Can others help me make sense of her system?
Hi again, thanks for the feedback. I work from home 80% of the time so all the items are in reach most of the time except when I go out on site in the car (often anywhere in the country, even london yipes!!) when I will have the jacket (outdoor green type multiple pockets) , handbag and keyring as EDC and the BOB will be left at home. The latter all packs in a 10 litre rucksack which I am about to upgrade to 15 litres to take the tarp and some rope/bungees. I agree it is heavy but in an emergency I could easily carry it 5 miles or so. There are plently of old barns in remote places round here although most are accessible by 4 wheel drive. The firelighting is duplicated delibrately as if one fails I have a backup and it is bloody cold where I live even in summer. If I took the wind up radio out I would have more room/less weight. Thinking of adding an ultralight sleeping bag. Forgot to mention I already have a sleeping mat.
All my kit is dark muted colours not necessarily camo as I am not into orange bivy bags and whistles etc. To my mind, concealment/avoidance of other people would be a priority if TSHTF
(15 March 2012, 15:34)bigpaul Wrote: hello yorkshirelass from deepest Devon. dont get too hung up about hordes streaming out from the towns( i note you say towns not cities, what numbers of population are we talking about?) i reckon most townies will stay away from the countryside especially if they wouldnt go there under normal circumstances, most townies will head out to join other relatives in other towns. the fact that you are down a long farm track will work in your favour and put most off the idea.
Hi there the town is about 60,000 population a couple of miles away but my house is accessed off a minor road which would not be used as a mass exit route in the event of an emergency. My other concern is that my two neighbours have done no prepping whatsoever and it would be difficult to say no when they come knocking on my door with whining children having run out of food. Not sure how I would deal with the latter. Maybe give them a couple of tins?