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Hi - I'm making a film - can you help?
17 June 2018, 18:03,
RE: Hi - I'm making a film - can you help?
As an American prepper I must echo the words of Skean Dhude and add that most of the "prepper videos" done over here are presented by those of less than average intelligence who are seeking attention for some reason.

Intelligent preppers do not tell anyone what they have, how it is used, or where it is located. NO ONE!

The advice presented on You-tube is suspect to say the least. Especially that presented by individuals wearing ball caps, wrap around sun glasses and black hoodies.

What is very prolific on You tube are videos of bushcraft skills, such as shelter building, fire building, water purification and such which are wilderness skills and not specifically "prepping". These people are often mistaken for preppers when that is not their focus or intent.

And yes, the media is biased, and if one is working for the media, and does not see the bias, then they are part of the problem and not part of the solution. This is why we refuse to cooperate with media no matter what is promised or how it is to be presented. Even if YOU make a good film it is subject to editing by the "corporation" before presentation to the public.

EVERY prepper related article I have ever read/watched in any mainstream media presentation has never failed to present the individuals involved as not just different, but also mentally deficient, marginally or completely criminally suspect, and without doubt dangerous to themselves and others, and therefore qualifying for institutionalization and treatment in the nearest mental health facility.

It might be subtle, but it is there.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hi - I'm making a film - can you help? - by Mortblanc - 17 June 2018, 18:03

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