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Newbie from Shropshire
2 January 2022, 23:23,
RE: Newbie from Shropshire
Hello Bolt, I can see that you are new to both retirement and curmudgeon training!

The first rule is; never agree to disagree!

If you are right then the other person is wrong! Simple as that.

If you are right, and they disagree with you they are either evil or stupid, or both.

Over here in the States we refer to them as Democrats.

If you agree to disagree with them they take is as a sign of weakness and try to make you fund their programs!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

Messages In This Thread
Newbie from Shropshire - by Bolt - 1 January 2022, 21:50
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by bigpaul - 2 January 2022, 09:00
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by MaryN - 2 January 2022, 16:44
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by Straight Shooter - 2 January 2022, 22:25
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by Mortblanc - 2 January 2022, 23:23
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by Bolt - 3 January 2022, 12:57
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by Bolt - 3 January 2022, 13:04
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by LAC - 3 January 2022, 00:40
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by Skean Dhude - 4 January 2022, 13:05
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by bigpaul - 4 January 2022, 13:59
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by Bolt - 5 January 2022, 20:08
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by bigpaul - 6 January 2022, 12:50
RE: Newbie from Shropshire - by Ajax - 6 March 2022, 15:06

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