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Now they'll have to tell us if we're eating halal
26 March 2012, 20:10,
RE: Now they'll have to tell us if we're eating halal
I'm seriously thinking of becoming a veggie, between what they inject and feed Animals with and now all these diseases? not to mention I was married to a Butcher, heard some horror stories in my time.
Case no one knows all meat and chicken sold in fast food chains. restaurants, corner shops and cafes, have no restriction on them about where they must buy their meat, it has been proven that in some cases what has been sold was not fit for human consumption, it had been taken from dirty bins that had been left out in the sun with flies and maggots, originally ment to be sold as Pet food but ended up being bleached then sold to some corner shop.
Local paper in London reported police finding the heads and tails of several cats in a skip. lol kabab?
I've seen with my own eyes, a joint of meat with some thing green and oozy bout the size of a 50p stuck in it, my guess is it was tumour, obviously that pig was very sick! but some one ate the rest of it!

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RE: Now they'll have to tell us if we're eating halal - by Prep Girl - 26 March 2012, 20:10

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