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time for war
28 October 2011, 11:51, (This post was last modified: 28 October 2011, 11:59 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: time for war
The ruling elite and their supporters and aids versus any citizen who treasures the rights and liberties we fought so long for.

Mega corps want worker drones on low wages who are not allowed to strike. Socialists want worker drones being told that their komrades know what is best and what they should earn, where they should live, where they holiday, what they drive.

Both tolerate no dissent.

(28 October 2011, 11:47)Skvez Wrote: @ Northern Raider
But fighting whom?
Who's on which side?

(28 October 2011, 11:50)bigpaul Wrote: The EU NEVER stopped any wars, that was due to the UN. every time a war started-Iraq,Afghanistan-it first starts with a UN mandate nothing at all to do with the EU.

Look how the damnned EU stood by and watched as Serbs, Bosnians and Croats commited genocide to each other. Look to Afghanistan where other EU nations refuse to deply combat troops to risky areas.
I notice we are drifting into the old habit of identifying threats and problems, then wondering what side is right or wrong and which position we should take.

I donnt believe that is where we nbeed to be, we personally or as a group of preppers can nave no influence on which way the EU goes, all we can do is ensure we survive it intact.

We must plan and respond to a generic threat of instability in Europe and prepare for economic collapse, cxivil unrest and excessive reaction from the various governments. My greatest fear is they target us as " anti social " elements.

prepare, plan,position yourself to be an self reliant and low profile as possible.


Messages In This Thread
time for war - by grumpy old man - 28 October 2011, 01:06
RE: time for war - by NorthernRaider - 28 October 2011, 09:32
RE: time for war - by Skvez - 28 October 2011, 11:03
RE: time for war - by Skean Dhude - 28 October 2011, 11:04
RE: time for war - by NorthernRaider - 28 October 2011, 11:39
RE: time for war - by Skvez - 28 October 2011, 11:47
RE: time for war - by NorthernRaider - 28 October 2011, 11:51
RE: time for war - by bigpaul - 28 October 2011, 11:50
RE: time for war - by grumpy old man - 28 October 2011, 13:16
RE: time for war - by NorthernRaider - 28 October 2011, 14:12
RE: time for war - by bigpaul - 28 October 2011, 14:17
RE: time for war - by grumpy old man - 28 October 2011, 14:39
RE: time for war - by bigpaul - 28 October 2011, 14:47
RE: time for war - by NorthernRaider - 28 October 2011, 14:55
RE: time for war - by bigpaul - 28 October 2011, 17:06
RE: time for war - by grumpy old man - 28 October 2011, 15:06
RE: time for war - by NorthernRaider - 28 October 2011, 15:20
RE: time for war - by grumpy old man - 28 October 2011, 21:29
RE: time for war - by NorthernRaider - 29 October 2011, 09:12
RE: time for war - by grumpy old man - 29 October 2011, 23:39
RE: time for war - by Skean Dhude - 30 October 2011, 11:54
RE: time for war - by grumpy old man - 31 October 2011, 01:42

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