RE: Brit journos now ask US preppers for UK contacts
makes sense they'd go to the US forums if they're looking for cannon fodder. I look forward to seeing a program on preparedness from the UK point of view, I picked up a couple of good tips from the US series. I just hope no-one gets hurt by said show.
The thing is that even though the people like this Joe and Naomi (who we've heard from before) may have the best of intentions, may ask thoughtful questions and may wish to make a program that hurts those interviewed as little as possible what the editing process sends out will likely be a very different show.
Plus there will always be people out there unwary of the media who are just starting as preppers and have taken the American model of getting a decent weapon then making a bug out bag to 'live off the land' with and then buying more ammo for their weapon of choice.
Do not rush to meet Death, he may not wish to see you.