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Darwinism at work in UK today
30 March 2012, 15:42,
RE: Darwinism at work in UK today
What kind of a retard pours petrol into a jug while cooking dinner? £50.00 says she was probably 'avin' a faaag' at the same time.
The stupidity of humanity is beyond comprehension sometimes.
Anyone messing about with petrol near a naked flame deserves to be set on fire!
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.


Messages In This Thread
Darwinism at work in UK today - by NorthernRaider - 30 March 2012, 11:15
RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - by bigpaul - 30 March 2012, 12:58
RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - by Reality Jones - 30 March 2012, 15:42
RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - by bigpaul - 30 March 2012, 17:25
RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - by bigpaul - 1 April 2012, 09:14
RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - by Scythe13 - 1 April 2012, 10:18
RE: Darwinism at work in UK today - by Scythe13 - 1 April 2012, 18:40

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