RE: Chance of a Catastrophic Solar Storm Is 1 in 8
One of my wifes friends AND her fella, didnt even know how chickens produced eggs. Honestly no word of a lie.
Even if I didnt have an alternative form of cooking or heating I have the knowledge to rig a fire pit or a dakota doo dah for my cooking needs outside in the backyard. And if the power etc went off forever, I'd build me a nice fireplace in the living room for heating or some such thing. I like having the knowledge to do stuff.
I like learning skills and being more self sufficient every day.
I've always been independant minded and thats the way i'm gonna stay damnit.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."