RE: World food prices rise further, raising fears of unrest
"Global food prices rose in March for a third straight month with more hikes to come, the UN's food agency said on Thursday, adding to fears of hunger and a new wave of social unrest in poor countries." Poor Countries!??!? Like the UK!!!!! Let's face it, being £Billions in debt does make us poor!
You're damn right I'm going to be growing my own on the roof top.
I've already planted a goose-berry bush thing. But it doesn't seem to be enjoying a massive pot. I probably need to get a better established plant and repot that, instead of a small twiglet type one.
I'm thinking about getting a spud-sack and seeing what I can do there. Only problem is, I'm not massive on spuds.....but..... Thinking about it, my favourite recipe/meal is boiled then liquidised chicken breast and potato, with a glass of pineapple juice. So really I guess it couldn't hurt to give it a go!
Not sure about keeping chooks though. I'm not one for dealing with poop!
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin