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ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement
15 April 2012, 19:04,
RE: ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement
Well I've just sat through the Endgame video.
If you take out the BS and the inane use of loud hailers, some the content is interesting but not entirely surprising.
We sort of know who's involved, what they are doing, and what we would like to do about it BUT that's as far as it will go.
Take the UK population as a whole.
There's been a lot of ranting and raving about the budget, taxation, benefit and services cuts, the NHS, price rises, us being in a recession, etc, and yet nothing has been done to fight the draconian attacks by the government on the UK population.

Why? Because the UK is full of oppressed sheeple and sheeple, like abused dogs, lick the hands of their abusive owners.
The more they are abused, the more they cower and lick.

So be it.
Preppers, like the main population, have been rendered largely defenceless and are in the minority, but most at least have their eyes open to what's going on.
Whether our preparations will be enough if push turns to civil uprising (like what has been seen overseas) remains to be seen.


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RE: ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement - by Paul - 15 April 2012, 19:04

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