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New ‘vigilante lite’ street courts are to be introduced nationwide
18 April 2012, 12:15,
RE: New ‘vigilante lite’ street courts are to be introduced nationwide
Those that are scared won't buy them but to counter that you don't need any training to get a SGC or a FAC. What is the difference?

I think we would need to beef up the justice system as well. In america if there is a death whilst you commit a crime you are tried for murder. That goes for the getaway driver who may not go anywhere near the shooting. Thus if the bad guys enter a building to rob someone and anyone gets shot even by a defender in that building. Its a murder charge.

Plus life should mean life and the other sentences beefed up in the same way. I don't believe in three strikes and you are out but do believe in escalating sentences such as 1st offence, sentance x 1, 2nd offences sentence x 3, 3rd offence sentence x 9, see the way we are going? That would bring things back under control after a few years of turmoil.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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RE: New ‘vigilante lite’ street courts are to be introduced nationwide - by Skean Dhude - 18 April 2012, 12:15

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