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UK food banks
21 April 2012, 12:53,
RE: UK food banks
The food banks and soup kitchens have always been there, they'll always be there, and if you've ever had to use them like I did to feed your kids, it ain't no fun.

There is a HUGE amount of people in the UK who live LITERALLY hand to mouth and it's getting worse. Some live rough, some in rental or B&B where there ain't a lot of money left after the rent or feeding the electricity meter for you to eat 7 days a week but you always put your kids first.

Just remember it's damn hard to lay supplies away when you only have a £10 a week in your pocket after bills and no home to call your own.


Messages In This Thread
UK food banks - by uks - 21 April 2012, 06:47
RE: UK food banks - by bigpaul - 21 April 2012, 11:42
RE: UK food banks - by Paul - 21 April 2012, 12:53
RE: UK food banks - by Tibbs735 - 21 April 2012, 18:16
RE: UK food banks - by bigpaul - 21 April 2012, 13:02
RE: UK food banks - by Paul - 21 April 2012, 22:17
RE: UK food banks - by Scythe13 - 21 April 2012, 23:18
RE: UK food banks - by bigpaul - 22 April 2012, 10:41
RE: UK food banks - by Neuralsandwich - 22 April 2012, 10:55
RE: UK food banks - by bigpaul - 22 April 2012, 11:03

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