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UK food banks
21 April 2012, 18:16,
RE: UK food banks
(21 April 2012, 12:53)Paul Wrote: The food banks and soup kitchens have always been there, they'll always be there, and if you've ever had to use them like I did to feed your kids, it ain't no fun.

There is a HUGE amount of people in the UK who live LITERALLY hand to mouth and it's getting worse. Some live rough, some in rental or B&B where there ain't a lot of money left after the rent or feeding the electricity meter for you to eat 7 days a week but you always put your kids first.

Just remember it's damn hard to lay supplies away when you only have a £10 a week in your pocket after bills and no home to call your own.
Remember the pound has more spending power than the dollar
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8

Messages In This Thread
UK food banks - by uks - 21 April 2012, 06:47
RE: UK food banks - by bigpaul - 21 April 2012, 11:42
RE: UK food banks - by Paul - 21 April 2012, 12:53
RE: UK food banks - by Tibbs735 - 21 April 2012, 18:16
RE: UK food banks - by bigpaul - 21 April 2012, 13:02
RE: UK food banks - by Paul - 21 April 2012, 22:17
RE: UK food banks - by Scythe13 - 21 April 2012, 23:18
RE: UK food banks - by bigpaul - 22 April 2012, 10:41
RE: UK food banks - by Neuralsandwich - 22 April 2012, 10:55
RE: UK food banks - by bigpaul - 22 April 2012, 11:03

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