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How the Olympics are draining YOUR streets of police
22 April 2012, 13:16,
RE: How the Olympics are draining YOUR streets of police
I take what you're saying PG and I get why you'd think that.

I don't plan on standing in my doorway stopping people coming up the stairs. Just because there's a bit of rioting, doesn't mean it's time to bug out. I live on a main street, above the shops. I'll be up on my roof watching what's going on. Just because there's a riot doesn't mean TSHTF. It could all be over in 24 hours, or 36 hours. Riots just means it's time to get ready to go.

The roof gives me a massive advantage in terms of getting to grips with the situation and gives me the ability to assess everything that's going on. Also, there are only 3 routes out of where I live, and 2 of them are out my bedroom window. Given that the front door isn't an option, that limits my exit routes to 2. One could lead to me going the wrong way and ending up in the middle of something, the other lets me see what's going on and lets me get to grips with what best to do. Also, from the roof tops (they're mostly flat roofs) I can get over to where my car is parked and not have to worry about dangers on the streets.

So the roof will let me see the situation's big picture, it get's me to my car if need be, and it keeps me away from the danger on the streets below.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

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RE: How the Olympics are draining YOUR streets of police - by Scythe13 - 22 April 2012, 13:16

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