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look who's working together in the Middle-East
23 April 2012, 17:40,
RE: look who's working together in the Middle-East

The 'Grand Chessboard' scenario is spot on, its really a road map of US designs on world dominance. Naturally Russia with its massive oil, mineral and gas reserves are seen as tempting booty by the US. The problem being is that the Russians are well capable of defending themselves so a policy of encirclement is being pursued. The Russians are fully aware of these US/NATO strategies which is why they responded so forcefully when Georgia, armed and trained by a US/Israeli coalition, was challenging Russian influence and attempting to become a US/NATO forward assault station.

Take a look at an atlas and see the countries bordering Russia to see them being swallowed up by the US/NATO or the victims of so-called colour revolutions.

Russia has no option but to defend Syria because if Syria falls then all guns can be trained on Iran. And then the biggest domino , Russia, will be next. The Chinese are not unaware of these moves either. They realise that eventually it will be their turn. In fact at this very moment Russian and Chinese navies are undergoing full scale manoeuvres in the South China Sea to warn the US and their stooge Japan to cease sabre rattling in the region.

Even India is puffing out its chest and choosing this sensitive time to test fire its own ICBM rocket at the urging of the US. This of course is to counteract the North Korean ICBM launch. Admittedly this failed but they have another on the launch pad already and their Chinese bosses are keen to show the US that they too have proxy missile vassal states.

To return to the middle east and Syria it can be seen that there are some fringe benefits to Russian support. They get the Syrian mediterranean ports and have themselves a partner that will advance Russian interests in the region. The Israelis have no viable fuel sources other than the natural gas and oil found in large fields off the Palestinian coast near Gaza. As usual the Israelis consider this theirs and are making arrangements to steal it with the help of western companies, British Gas being a major player. This places a new emphasis on Israeli designs to extinguish the tiny Gaza enclave and urges them to accelerate their plans.

When Russian oil/gas reserves are considered by the west it is only the Siberian reserves that are mentioned. The almost unlimited and untapped sources in other areas are not factored in to any Western analysis. This produces a distorted outlook of Russian energy potential.

Anyway, all this just renews my own efforts to cope with the chaos that will ensue as this 'game' plays out.


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RE: look who's working together in the Middle-East - by Reg - 23 April 2012, 17:40

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