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Compact Meths Stove
9 May 2012, 22:52,
RE: Compact Meths Stove
OK, try White Spirit & a v.v.little old engine oil.
Old engine oil will be abundant in a PSHTF world. I know it will not be clean burning, but if we can find alternative highly distilled liquid fuels, such as wood alcohol or similar and only mix a small amount of oil in, then it might be good in an emergency scenario. In the slightly longer term - it would be possible to make simple alcohol with little equipment or tech needed. You could even source low alcohol beverages that survive like wine and perform rudimentary distillation to produce alcohol for the stove.

What is meths made from anyway? I havn't looked into that yet but I will be having a meeting with a chemist trained friend tommorrow, so I will ask him on this subject.

Messages In This Thread
Compact Meths Stove - by Timelord - 4 May 2012, 22:01
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Nemesis - 4 May 2012, 22:25
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Timelord - 4 May 2012, 22:27
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Nemesis - 4 May 2012, 23:16
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Timelord - 4 May 2012, 23:30
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Nemesis - 5 May 2012, 00:10
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Paul - 5 May 2012, 04:59
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Nemesis - 9 May 2012, 19:45
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Timelord - 9 May 2012, 20:07
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Nemesis - 9 May 2012, 20:44
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Timelord - 9 May 2012, 22:52
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Nemesis - 9 May 2012, 23:21
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Hrusai - 30 June 2012, 04:43
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Skean Dhude - 30 June 2012, 18:51
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Pagan-Mist - 1 July 2012, 02:54
RE: Compact Meths Stove - by Hrusai - 1 July 2012, 23:32

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