RE: The Greeks get democracy
(5 November 2011, 00:45)grumpy old man Wrote: a couple of things to be a genius you must have a touch of maddness or so people say and say we are mad so we must all be genius us preppers
and if we start voting for little parties we might end up with another hitler and we repeat history
my son made a suggestion yesterday to me that would work better
if most of our stuff is transported around and we are sick of pay silly high tax on fuel and inflation then if every one just stopped driving around and parked their cars and trucks up and didn't go to work untill the gov change want we did not like
i told him it's a good idea but would not happen because people are cowards and that's why the jews died so some things you can't change unless you are willing to die anyway
he sort of gets it
that and theyd probably bus in loads of polish to do the jobs....
thats the people if you were worried not tins of mr sheen....
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."