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Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
18 November 2011, 05:40,
RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
It's a case of looking after the rich, to hell with you and me. Decency has gone completely now. It is a bitter pill to swallow. The Labour party are up in arms but what would they have done? Taken us further into debt, no doubt. There would not have been a bail-out for us because we are not in the Euro. Could this all point to the New World Order (The Fourth Reich)? Perhaps the 'nutters' are right after all! Am I going out of my mind, or am I seeing the destruction of our civilisation as I know it? Perhaps the slaves (US) must serve or go under. Living the life of a fugitive in one's own country will certainly be hard. Kenneth Eames.

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RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics... - by Kenneth Eames - 18 November 2011, 05:40

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