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Injured bird carries on flying despite having crossbow lodged in its side
19 July 2012, 13:06,
RE: Injured bird carries on flying despite having crossbow lodged in its side
Dear Trisha
Its disgusting, the government should do something about it, I'm Texting to Watchdog to complain, Crossbows should be banned only criminals use them just like guns. I only live 100 miles away so I dare'nt let my kids play out, poor Troy and Trojan are terrified and Clamydia and Chardonnay Mercedes say they are going to tell their dads how frightened they are next visiting day at Belmarsh.
Sincerely yours

Tracy Charmaigne Ponsonby-Crutchlicker, 15 year old mother of six


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RE: Injured bird carries on flying despite having crossbow lodged in its side - by NorthernRaider - 19 July 2012, 13:06

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