RE: to the bigots amongst us
i dont know about anyone else but i came onto prepping forums to learn what i should do when TSHTF, i'm really not too bothered who caused it or what caused it even but i want to know what to do WHEN it happens. when i had had my fill of the American sites with their arsenal of weapons and room fulls of bullets i started looking for a BRITISH site, eventually i found the old UK Preppers site where i came across this strange person called NORTHERN RAIDER who once i got over his strange Northern sense of humour started to make sense and got me started with his lists of this and that. this I believe is what is needed for our younger and newer members to get them started on the right path not talk of aliens or secret societies. good old down to earth sensible information on what we need to do NOW before TSHTF and how to live safely AFTER TSHTF. other sites have gone on to be just tinfoil/alien type forums or they have been turned into knitting circles where all they talk about is the weather or the price of mushy peas, i dont want this site to go that route, so can we PLEASE get back to basics?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.