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to the bigots amongst us
28 July 2012, 01:56, (This post was last modified: 28 July 2012, 13:00 by Nemesis.)
RE: to the bigots amongst us
As far as I am aware, this is a forum for preppers. Other niche oddities need not apply. Simples..

My recent limited posts has been due to work commitments and not apathy. Nevertheless, I have noticed a decline in the number of quality new posts and the reply posts that follow, over the last couple of months. There seems to be a mass of inane comment posts in reply to each & every post put up. There is also a lot of asking the same questions about topics posted on many times in the past. This grows wearisome and detracts from quality input. It would help if knowledge seeking members researching subjects would search the forum first for articles already dealing with the subject. Also, "sometimes" older members do actually have more experience and have become wiser and so their differing views from more inexperienced members need not be a cause for derision. I will honestly say that I do not "know it all", whereas some members imply that they do, but upon observing their posts, it later becomes apparent they are exaggerating, verging on blagging. I am a tad disgruntled with this and tend to post less as a result. I am probably not alone!


Messages In This Thread
to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 12:46
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Carnebwen - 26 July 2012, 13:03
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 13:14
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 13:23
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepaday - 31 July 2012, 10:19
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 13:18
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Carnebwen - 26 July 2012, 13:18
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 13:30
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 13:34
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 13:40
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Lightspeed - 26 July 2012, 13:52
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Hrusai - 26 July 2012, 13:54
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 13:57
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepper1 - 26 July 2012, 14:01
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 15:17
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 15:42
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by 00111001 - 26 July 2012, 15:59
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 26 July 2012, 17:04
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 26 July 2012, 18:53
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 27 July 2012, 08:48
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Timelord - 28 July 2012, 01:56
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Skvez - 28 July 2012, 20:48
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Hrusai - 29 July 2012, 02:44
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepaday - 31 July 2012, 15:31
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 31 July 2012, 15:34
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepaday - 31 July 2012, 15:37
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by bigpaul - 31 July 2012, 15:41
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Juice - 31 July 2012, 22:37
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Hrusai - 31 July 2012, 22:59
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Prepaday - 1 August 2012, 11:17
RE: to the bigots amongst us - by Hrusai - 1 August 2012, 11:22

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